Company Outing Vlissingen and Middelburg

Vlissingen is one of the two urban areas of Zeeland, located on the north side of the Westerschelde. Wijk aan Zee has the widest beach, but Vlissingen has the longest boulevard. In the 90s, this boulevard was completely renewed, resulting in a more modern design and overall look.

In Vlissingen, Middelburg and the surrounding area we can go on many inspiring walking and cycling trips, where you can enjoy the spatial environment. Both the beach and the National Park Oosterschelde are located nearby. There is plenty of catering along the way, and you can try typical Zeeland delicacies. You can easily reach the city by train, after which we can follow activities on foot, by bicycle, by water or by sustainable vehicles.


Discover the beauty of Vlissingen and Middelburg during a company outing:

  • Beleef Nationaal park Oosterschelde.
  • Het Arsenaal;
  • Nollestrand;
  • Windorgel;
  • Kunstroutes en Ballemypark;
  • Zeeuws maritiem MuZEEum en Sint Jacobskerk.

For a possible program and additional information, please see our information page.



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