Choose a Sustainable and Social Company Outing

                                                                                                       Voor Nederlands, klik hier.

Duurzaam Bedrijfsuitje – or the English translation: Sustainable Company Outing – is the only completely certified social event agency of The Netherlands. With more than 15 years of experience we make use of a wide full-service range of activities. Participating in a social company-, team- or employee outing is a contribution to the society. It promotes goodwill, strengthens your public image and you will return with more involved employees, whilst enjoying a good day!

Several sustainable events are also exempt from the Dutch ‘labor cost scheme’ or ‘werkkostenregeling’. Are you interested in a sustainable company outing? Choose one of the categories above or mail/call us for extensive advice about fun activities that can be booked throughout the Netherlands.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are available via and +31(0)85-1301175.